Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oklahoma on My Mind

Summer will come...sometime...I hope. As I write this, it's 46 degrees and raining. I guess that's what you get when you live in Minneapolis. My students are squirrely and we're all ready for a break. Teachers get just as excited about Winter break and the end of the year as the students do. It's a frustrating time, trying to get kids to turn in all their missing work and encouraging them to hold out for a couple more weeks while we still have work to finish. I often fall into feelings of disenchantment at this time of year, wondering if I'm making any difference at all or if I'll ever get through to some of my students. It's so hard to stay positive at the end of the school year! I just want to be excited for summer! And in the midst of the busiest and most exhausting & frustrating time of year for teachers, tragedy has struck in a different part of the country. All of this Oklahoma tornado coverage has really put things into perspective for me.

Sidenote: the first question I had about this tornado situation is "why on Earth don't these people have basements?!" We have a few tornado warnings each summer and practice drills with the kids and whatnot, but (despite my seasoned 29 years of life) I have yet to see one here. And everyone here has basements. So, why not in tornado-prone Oklahoma? I read on a few news sites that the soil there is wetter, so there's lots of water pressure and mold/fungus issues within basements. Hmm. I wish they could figure out a way to fix that.

Anyway, my heart hurts today for the families who've lost everything. I've got absolutely none to complain about after I watch the news footage of the wreckage that's been left behind. Did you see the video of the woman who lost her dog and they find him buried underneath a bunch of stuff right behind her on live television? Oh my word. So many tears. Stories like that just get to me. They couldn't have planned it any better if they'd tried! It was unbelievable. Watch the video if you can!

After tragedies like this, it always amazes me how the American people come together to help one another. In a dark, cold world like we live in, it's so encouraging to see people caring about each other. In the footage of the Boston bombings, you actually see people running toward the explosions to help the injured. That gives me hope. Across America today, people are donating money and collecting items for the people of Moore, Oklahoma. I know that all good is not lost in our country. I know that people, deep inside, are compassionate and caring. I know that good will prevail. I often feel that our future is bleak here in the US, but after situations like this... I feel hopeful.  Romans 12:12 says "rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." So, though I can't do much myself besides donate a few bucks, I can pray for the families and all who are affected by this tragedy. I can hug those close to me a little bit harder and love a little bit stronger. And wait in joyful hope.


If you'd like to donate to the victims of the Moore, OK tragedy, please go here.

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